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Music List – July 2024

Sunday 7 July
High Mass at 10:00am
Mary Immaculate Choir
Missa XI, Credo I
Tallis: O nata lux
Darufle: Tantum ergo
Hymn: Holy God, we praise thy name

Vespers and Benediction at 5:00pm
Brisbane Oratory Choral Scholars
Biazeck: Magnificat primi toni
Tomkins: O Lord God of hosts

Sunday 14 July
High Mass at 10:00am
Mary Immaculate Choir
Missa XI, Credo I
Palestrina: O bone Iesu
Mozart: Ave verum
Hymn: Holy Father, God of Might (Conolly)

Vespers and Benediction at 5:00pm
Brisbane Oratory Choral Scholars
Lassus: Magnificat quarti toni
Macmillan: Bring us O Lord

Sunday 21 July
High Mass at 10:00am
Mary Immaculate Choir
Missa XI, Credo I
Tallis: Salvator mundi
Palestrina: Sicut cervus
Hymn: In faith and hope and love (Conolly)

Vespers and Benediction at 5:00pm
Brisbane Oratory Choral Scholars
Palestrina: Magnificat octavi toni
Liszt: Ave verum

Sunday 28 July
High Mass at 10:00am
Mary Immaculate Choir
Missa XI, Credo I
Palestrina: Benedicta sit
Byrd: Ave verum
Hymn: All people that on earth do dwell

Vespers and Benediction at 5:00pm
Brisbane Oratory Choral Scholars
Sennfl: Magnificat octavi toni pares
Titcomb: I will not leave you comfortless