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Lay Groups

There are many ways for the laity to be involved in our Oratory community here at Annerley-Ekibin parish.
Through faith and prayer formation, and by ensuring the opportunity to participate in good works, we hope to contribute to the sanctification of the laity.

Adult Faith Formation Talks are open to all people who would like to learn more about the Catholic faith. Talks explore in depth various topics such as the Old Testament Foundations of Mary, various books of Scripture, Church Councils and more. The talks are on twice a month on Friday Mornings at 10:00am, and are repeated on the First Saturday of the Month at 9:30am, this allows people to select a time most convenient for them. The topics and dates of the talk are published in the Parish Bulletin. All talks are held in the Parish Meeting Room underneath Mary Immaculate Church.

The Frassati Fraternity is an association of young Catholic men who assist one another to authentically live the Catholic faith, and discern and respond to their God-given vocation. Inspired by Bl Pier Giorgio Frassati and under the spiritual leadership of the Brisbane Oratory, the young men live in houses together and meet regularly for prayer, formation, and meals. Part of the apostolate is to assist the needs of the Parish, particularly by serving the Mass.

Verso L’Alto are young adult evenings for men and women under the direction of the Brisbane Oratory and the Frassati Fraternity. The evenings are on Monday nights and begin with Mass at 7:00pm followed by various events such as a talk on an aspect of the faith by the chaplain or regular guest speakers, social evenings, and the once a month steak night at the Junction Hotel. For the latest updates and to see what is happening join the Frassati Verso L’Alto Facebook Group or Telegram Channel.

‘Flores’ is a group for young single and married women, eighteen and older, who want to help each other grow in virtue and grow closer to God by living the fullness of the Catholic Faith and by embracing the gift of spiritual motherhood. Flores Teresianes Young Women meet regularly and also come together for retreat days and other occasional activities. For more information join their Facebook group.

Mothers, grandmothers, and ladies, who would like to pray for their children, grandchildren, nephews, nieces and godchildren, are welcome to join the St Monica’s Mothers Prayer Group. As a group of ladies, we pray together in a special way for all the children the Lord has entrusted to us and surrender them to His loving care. Meetings will be held on Wednesdays of school terms at 10:00am in the meeting room under Mary Immaculate Church. Contact the Parish Office for more information.

Friday fortnightly catechism classes for children aged 5 to 9 years of age. Classes run during school term in the parish meeting room between 4:00pm – 4.45pm. Lessons consist of hands-on catechetical activities based on living the liturgical life and the core Catholic truths, prayers and hymns. Please contact the parish office to enrol your child/children.

This group is for adults who wish to enquire and/or prepare to be received into the Church and become Catholic. But those Catholics who wish to reconnect with their faith after some time away from the Church are also welcome. A formation team has been brought together to lead this group. This is our equivalent of RCIA. If you are discerning a call to become a Catholic and would like more information, please contact the Parish Office on 07 38481107, or see here for more information.

The St Vincent de Paul Society is a lay Catholic organisation that aspires to live the Gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice, hope and joy, and by working to shape a more just and compassionate society. Our parish has two very active St Vincent de Paul Conferences: Mary Immaculate and St Elizabeth’s. They engage in direct work with the poor in the local areas. There are various different levels or ways to be involved. Both meet regularly and welcome new members. Contact the Parish Office for contact details on the Annerley or Tarragindi Conferences.

Our Altar Guild is open to men and women who would like to assist with the important task of ensuring all items necessary for the liturgy are kept in good condition, adding to the splendour and beauty of the sacred rites. There are various comittees to be involved with such as flower arranging, sacred linens, metal ornaments, and embroidery. If you would like to be involved, or if you have any skills you might be able to offer, please contact Br Tyson.

Engaging in good works are an important part of the Christian life, and one good work we can do is offering our time and service to our parish community. This ensures our churches are a real space of prayer, that Mass runs smoothly, and that community life in our parish flourishes. These generous people include church cleaners, porters/greeters, collectors, cuppa organisers and many others. If you can help in any way with this important duty please contact us.

Please contact us for more information on any of these groups.